How to corrective component placement errors?
Dec 19, 2021  Editor: admin

 Component placement errors

Component placement errors occur over the entire board( this error occurs on each board repeatedly): there are below 5 causes:

1, Data entry error of X- and Y- coordinated on the "placement" data screen

  Corrective action, reset the correct coordinates on the "placement" data screen( by checking the CAD coordinates or performing a teaching operation again.

2, BOC mark positioning error or stained mark especially if a BOC mark is stained, the tendency of a component placement error to occur may not be uniform.

Corrective action, check the BOC mark and reset it. Maintain BOC marks so that they cannot be stained.

3, You have taught the component placement coordinates although you did not execute the BOC alignment function when you created data.

Corrective action, be sure to teach the"placement" data only after creating "PWB" data, and then executing the "BOC alignment" alignment" function.

4, You have taught a BOC mark on the "PWB" data screen although the BOC mark is indiccated with the CAD coordinates.

Corrective action, if you use CAD coordinates, never teach any BOC mark. if you teach any BOC mark, teach all component-placement coordunates again.

5, If you use CAD data, coordinates of a component placement position of CAD data or those of a BOC mark are incorrect.

Corrective action, Check the CAD data. if it is incorrect teach all placement data again. however, if all coordinates are shifted in one direction, move the coordinates of a BOC mark on the "PWB" data to offset those coordinates.( for example, if coordinates are shifted by "0.1mm" in the X-direction, add"0.1mm" to the X-coordinates of all BOC marks.)